Maasai Partners improves lives across the gamut of human need. We differ from other programs because we target the multiple in-depth needs of a particular geographic area, rather than spreading out our services. We bring in as many partnerships and organizations as we can, encouraging our collaborating communities to solve problems through a grassroots approach.
Improving Lives In East Africa
Healthcare is among the most basic of human needs. We are sponsoring Dr. Shemaghembe’s mobile clinic to drastically increase vaccination rates among children under 5.
To present women with a way out of their severe economic limitations, Maasai Partners established a microfinance loan program. With no banking services present in the village, women are now able to borrow money, start businesses, pay back their loans and even have some savings leftover.
Education is an essential human right and the key to success in every country.
However, due to costs (junior high and senior high schools are not free in Tanzania), and an overall lack of resources, staying in school can be an arduous task for many Tanzanians — and actually succeeding in school is even more challenging.
Maasai Partners’ scholarship and kindergarten projects seek to give Tanzanian children the best possible chance to access and succeed in a solid education.