Maasai Partners improves lives across the gamut of human need. We differ from other programs because we target the multiple in-depth needs of a particular geographic area, rather than spreading out our services. We bring in as many partnerships and organizations as we can, encouraging our collaborating communities to solve problems through a grassroots approach.
Improving Lives In East Africa
There are many factors which affect the programs and projects we run and support, such as political changes, financial issues, and the nature of the programs themselves. As a result, some programs and projects may end. This page provides details.
Goat Program
From 2012 until 2018, we bought goats for families in need and distributed them…
From 2013 until 2015, we paid for those who needed medical care enough to cover boarding, food, travel expenses and their hospital expenses at the FAME (Foundation for African Medicine) Medical Center…We still use FAME on occasion as part of our mobile medical program…
FAME Medical Fund
Government Health Cards @ Nainokanoka
From 2016 until 2018 (when the Tanzanian government shut it down), we participated in a wonderful program to provide Maasai families for a year of health care at the Nainokanoka Health Center for just $10 (an amount that the government matched)...
Maasai Shine Cup (Soccer Tournament)
Maasai Shine was a community-based organization in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA). It was run by Tanzanian Maasai who know exactly what their community needs. As one of the few local organizations operating in the NCA, the community-based organization was able to provide works to improve life for area people and coordinate with other organizations to bringing opportunity to the greater Alailelai area.
The Sendui Kindergarten was built in 2016 with help from partners Sisters for Peace & AMSO
Books and materials also provided
*Cistern @ Sendui Kindergarten—2018
Funded by Sisters for Peace